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A Legacy of Aggression and Depression: What the Science of Spanking Reveals

“The biggest takeaway for me? Even if you spank with control, discipline, and good intent, your kids are more likely to have depression and engage in aggressive behaviors in adulthood.”

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Evoking The State of Flow

Montessori education is education for flow. It is education through the daily experiences of flow, toward forming the lifelong habit of seeking out flow, and in preparation for finding a life’s work in flow. Read more »

What’s Behind, Beneath, Between the Words?

Authentic good manners are based on empathy and its expression through words and deeds. Empty words and deeds cheat both giver and receiver of the joy of living in relationship within family, community, and society. Read more »

Choosing Our Words

Language impacts thinking. We can support our process of transformation through choosing our words, through making a mighty intention and renewing it daily. Read more »

The Precious Experience of Discovering a Dead Rat

Montessori school and family life support the child’s natural tendencies for empathy with our fellow beings, compassionate contemplation of the mysteries of life and death, and scientific exploration. Here a mother describes her two sons’ discovery of a rat killed by the family cat and their response: Read more »

The Information Children Need

Indeed! You know me; I’m partial to answering questions in warm, reverent, direct, and factual terms while immediately expanding the conversation to include humans and nature as a context for the personal. Read more »

Firm, Respectful, and Nonviolent Guidance

Uh-oh! There are better ways today than spanking to guide a child with firmness. Learn the skills, Papa Francesco! We don’t practice outdated medicine and there’s no need to practice outdated child guidance. Read more »

Returning Children to the Classroom to Work for Clarification

Repetition is basic and never considered undesirable. Control of error is basic. In our school the children embarking on a “Going Out” come to an adult in the office to review their plan. We adults are the children’s control of error. We rejoice in their need to repeat. Read more »

Beginning, Middle and End: How to Love Our Work

This brings to mind how we help the children form their habits of preparing for their work choice: gathering and setting up their materials, carrying out their work with focused attention and concentration, reaching completion, and restoring all materials to good order and returning them to their places. Read more »


“If you missed 10 hours over a week, add three or four extra sleep hours on the weekend, then one or two each night the following week until you’re caught up.”

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