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Author: robbieb

Doing or Pretending: Providing the Steps to Real Achievement

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Fruitful Monotony

No entertainment necessary. Read more »

Education for Peace: The Spiral of Choice for the Self and Others

The deepening of experience through repetition of chosen activity, the refinement of the senses, the development of esthetic sensibilities to last a lifetime; the heightened sense of self and, through elevated qualities of self, the capacity and inclination for empathic relationships with others – education for peace! Read more »

The Good Life!

It doesn’t get better than this – out in nature, on the land, a dog close by, free exploration within reasonable limits and boundaries; freely chosen intelligent, purposeful activity; adults who model and support, full engagement throughout an uninterrupted cycle! Read more »

Avoiding Over-Stimulation: One Meter Rule For Quiet Voices Indoors and Out

The following article brings to mind Montessori classrooms and outdoor spaces. Read more »

In the Worst of Times: What Shall We Do?

WWMMD – what would Maria Montessori do? Read more »

Minimalist Playroom Environment: Invitation to Play, Not to Drown in Excess

Think through principles and values for toys, materials, and activities that give child the opportunity to engage in the work of self-development, to choose and to act independently. Read more »

Nature and the Agitated Child: The Soothing Effect of Nature

Unruly or agitated children? Take a walk with them in a natural setting. Read more »

Being the Change We Seek: Partnership of Family and School

Here is a lovely tribute to the school and all those – parents, support staff and faculty members, administrators, and parents – who have made and continue to make it what it is, Read more »

How to Raise a Girl

The grandmother who raised three boys shows you how to raise a girl!

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