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Knowing What We Really Want

“Think of what a help it would be for any kid to understand — not just to be told, but to really understand — Read more »

Becoming What Mother Eats, Thinks, and Feels

The Limbic Imprint | Pregnancy & Birth

“Lack of immediate warm, soft and nurturing contact with the mother, immediate cutting of the cord, rude handling, needles, bright lights, startling noises… Read more »

The Physical and Emotional Environment in Utero

And the mother’s experience during pregnancy, as well as her thoughts and feelings about those experiences, affects her baby’s brain development. Read more »

Enjoy the Moment; the Future Comes Soon Enough!

Stop. Rushing. Babies! Let’s join them in relishing where they are in the present moment! Read more »

Apologize, Forgive, and Forget: Each in Our Own Way and in Our Own Time

Yes!!! And it’s good to give one another the grace of time. Read more »

Spelling: Why Montessori Children Learn to Write Then Read Phonetically

“Teach [children] to read a simple system,” he says, “and then they can learn a complicated one by themselves” Read more »

Appropriately Soft or Hard, According to Demands of the Circumstances

More Montessori!!! Read more »

Matching our Courage and Persistence to the Degree of our Love

We model self-discipline by sticking to our word. We don’t let our children down. We remain true to our word. Read more »

The Habitat of the Human Child: Concrete, External, Sensorial, 3-Dimensional World

“Hard-wired for high speed, today’s young are entering school struggling with self regulation and attention skills necessary for learning, eventually becoming significant behavior management problems for teachers in the classroom.” Read more »

Faber & Mazlish

Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish are the real deal. Read more »

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