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A Child Who Respects Disrespect Becomes an Adult of Compromised Character

Yes, a child who treats respectful parents with respect will become an adult that a respectful employer will be glad to hire. Read more »

Collaboration Over Competition: Learning to See Nature and Nurture, Community and Society Through the Lens of Reciprocity

Inclusive, collaborative living comes hard to so many because we have been raised and educated to see life as a competition rather than a collaboration. Read more »

Varieties of Neurotypical and Neurodivergent

This is why and how Montessori works so well with varieties of children: we support the community and each individual within it to help one another to develop the “system of systems” needed by the community and each individual within it to thrive! Read more »

The Age For Enchantment

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”

~ Albert Einstein Read more »

How to Wage World Peace: Make More and More Montessori Schools and Homes

Read Donna Bryant Goertz’s article “Instead of Punishment” at: Read more »

Less is More: Less Mindless Chatter, More Intentional, Rich, Precise, and Beautiful Language

But not non-stop, mindless background chatter.  Not interrupting a baby’s concentration. Never distracting a child during a cycle of activity.   Read more »

Minimalist Playroom Environment: Invitation to Play, Not to Drown in Excess

Think through principles and values for toys, materials, and activities that give a child the opportunity to engage in the work of self-development, to choose and to act independently. Read more »

Shame-Cleansing Ourselves: How to Stop Shame-Motivating Our Children

So true. So real. So “us and our” rather than “you and your.” We can’t do our work for the children – provide for them and support them to self-develop and self-educate – without doing this shame-cleansing work within ourselves. Read more »

Understanding Ourselves and Others

The more other languages we study, becoming conversant in at least one, the more we will understand ourselves and others. The implications are profound. Read more »

The Child’s Natural Habitat: Trails and Spaces in Nature

Nothing can do for the family what Nature can – Read more »

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