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From the Chaperone’s Perspective #2

Going Out Off-Campus Pg One

Going Out Off Campus

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Our Adult Words Are Powerfully Formative and Long-Lasting in the Lives of Our Children

The tiny wizened jockey would be so disappointed. He had said, “You’re not hurt.” as he lifted my six year-old self back into the saddle. “You rolled. You will never get hurt when you fall. You will always roll.”  And over all these years that’s just what I did.  I rolled. Read more »

Halloween Candy

Another example of how we parents can be influenced to view our children as amusing possessions to strut around and show off for our own status, to turn on and turn off for our own entertainment, to enroll in everything imaginable in order to train up to reflect impressively on us. Read more »

From the Chaperone’s Perspective #1

Here’s the story of a “Going Out.” What a treat it is – the respect, the adult’s self-restraint and reflection, the perseverance, the growing understanding, the admiration for the children – wow!!! Read more »

Toddlers See You Angry

With their Absorbent Minds our children absorb even our hidden thoughts and emotions. Living with a child is the most profound spiritual practice. Read more » Comments on Quand l’école s’adapte aux enfants

Par BDubuc sur 19 septembre 2014

Ce livre tire sa force de la longue relation d’amour et de savoir-faire dont a fait preuve l’auteure pendant plus de 40 ans. Read more »

Donna’s Book Published in French!

Many humble and hearty thank you’s are owed and gladly given! Thanks to the support of those on both sides of the pond, “Children Who Are Not Yet Peaceful: Preventing Exclusion in the Early Elementary Years” is out in French! Read more »

Exactitude/Precision: One of the Thirteen Human Tendencies

We raise hope for Humanity and the Earth when we support the thirteen lifelong Human Tendencies from birth. Through preserving and strengthening the Tendencies by providing the prepared environments and prepared relationships at home and at school, we support social and emotional health and intellectual vigor! Read more »

She is far enough from him that she cannot actually support him . . .

Soren Kiergaard’s words are powerfully instructive for us today. How do we support development at each stage?  How much is too little, too much, just right?  Read more »

Donna Presenting at Lake Hills Montessori, Monday, October 13, 2014

Inclusion and Peace:  Supporting Variety in Temperament and Learning Styles and Rates

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